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September 2022 week 4

I am Enough, I have Enough, All is Well!

“Joy is the abiding sense of well being” from Fr Mike Schmitz on Hallow

In Sanskrit, Klesha means poison and refers to a negative mental state that obscures the mind and allows the conditions of suffering to arise. We are still studying the 2nd Klesha, Asmita and will get through all 5 by the end of the year.

Asmita - Ego consciousness. I am-ness. It is the Self image defined by possessions and positions of life. This Klesha and the next 3 all roll from #1 being out of alignment: Avidya - Spiritual ignorance. Once we forget our true self, we substitute it with a false identity, a constricted self which is the ego. I spoke of another way of looking at this Klesha in class this week - think of the EGO as simply, Edging God Out. For example, life happens and its painful, we move into action and start plotting and planning or we freeze in fear. Either way we have Edged God Out and have taken control ourselves which also makes us Spiritually disconnected or “ignorant”. (Remember God is your own understanding be it religious or an ocean wave, as long as it is not you!). This is where the suffering is created.
I love Fr Schmitz’s definition of Joy - “the abiding sense of well being.” It doesn’t say everything is amazing, or that everything worked out the way we wanted it. To me, this definition precludes a Spiritual reliance and trust so no matter what the circumstances of life we can still cultivate an abiding sense of well being. In other words, our intention: I am enough, I have enough, All is well. Where in your life are you Edging God Out? Where are you fearful, controlling, rigid, uncomfortable? Can you move into spiritual knowledge and out of the I am-ness of life? There is Joy in this space!

I mentioned in class an article from Dr Frank Lipman on bio-hacks. The Calm Crew can check all the boxes in his mental health and self care bio-hacks, check them out below!!!!!!!!

Music – Ever notice how the right music can completely alter your mood? That’s bio-hacking in its most basic form, and many of us use music in this way without a second thought. But, to bio-hack into the incredible power of music in a more strategic way, tune into ‘brain entrainment’ music, which is actually designed to create desirable changes in brainwave activity. Depending on the music selected, you can plug into music with imbedded tones (or ‘binaural beats’) that will help boost alertness, awaken or energize, or if preferred, encourage relaxation, meditation, concentration, improved mental state and even sleep.
Social connection – Got relationships? As long as they are healthy and supportive ones, that social connection is also an essential bio-hack. Research has found that strong social connection reduces the likelihood of premature death by 50%. This research concluded that individuals who have healthy and strong relationships live longer. What’s more, genetic research suggests that social connectedness supports immune function, whereas isolation likely reduces immune function.
Time in Nature – Step into green surroundings to access a bio-hack that immediately calms the body, shifts the brain into a state of restful awareness – a fantastic double-health-whammy. It also heightens the senses, especially the olfactory system, which takes in the aromatic chemicals released by pine trees and may power up production of prized the body’s disease-fighting “killer T-cells.” Time in nature also initiates a cascade of beneficial effects, dropping cortisol levels, switching on your parasympathetic nervous system, and giving the brain’s prefrontal cortex—your hard-driving command center time to relax and refresh.
Optimism – It does both your mind and body good, and yes, its impact on both makes it an excellent head-to-toe bio-hack. In fact, numerous studies indicate that optimists generally enjoy healthier hearts, brains, immunity and tend to live longer than their less upbeat counterparts. If perhaps you weren’t born with an innate abundance of optimism, or perhaps life’s challenges have tamped down some of your enthusiasm, remember that this health-supportive turn of mind is learnable. Just like eating well or staying fit, you can grow your skills and the impact of this powerful bio-hack with practice.
Gratitude – Though it’s a bio-hack that can take practice, it’s benefits are legion and fast-acting, so now’s the time to  get into a gratitude groove. Research indicates it can help lower blood pressure and blood sugar, boost heart health and immune function. Gratitude has a positive effect on brains too, stimulating the release of mood-lifting neurochemicals like dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin while curbing the release of cortisol, aka, the stress hormone. Gratitude is associated with lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, while also boosting feelings of happiness, contentment, generosity, emotional resilience and improved mood – making it the bio-hack that keeps on giving.

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