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September 2022 week 3

I am Enough, I have Enough, All is Well!

You may be asking why the heck are we spending so much time on the Klesha’s? Isn’t it a “downer” to focus on the forms of suffering? The answer is, as I always say, yoga is non judgmental awareness and so this is another way for us to get more “familiar” with ourselves. This month we are studying the 2nd Klesha, Asmita - Ego consciousness. How closely do you identify with your labels or veils? How attached are you to life going a certain way and how much discomfort does this kind of thinking cause? Our intention this month: I am enough, I have enough, All is well; helps to move us out of our ego and fear based mindset into one of trust and faith. This sounds simple, but it is not easy! Lets put our intention into action - Follow this exercise:
Is there something that you are holding onto in a fearful way? In other words is there a part of your life that is being run by the ego? Lets undo this:
First, Expose the ego and put a name on it -ask- how am i feeling? Tired, stressed out, weak, confused, fearful, losing control, vulnerable. If we don’t expose it, it makes us believe this is who we are. We believe this is our truth and we get very attached to it.
Second, Ask - Am i willing to choose again, to see it differently? You know the people in your life who have shitty things happening and they sit and wallow and others who continue to live life fully regardless of their negative circumstances. Can you open up to the possibility of seeing it differently?
Next, Ask - Can i give this away? Do I want to? This welcomes in a connection to a higher power, this is where God and faith come in and where we circle back to the foundation of the 5 Kleshas, which is the 1st Klesha - spiritual ignorance.
This is when we give our situation over to “God”, religious or any non physical energy that you feel is guiding you, supporting you when you don’t know what to do next.
This then becomes a prayer - Thank you God for taking this from me. Don’t pray for an outcome, pray for spirit to heal the mind, to change the mind. Instead of asking to undo the problem, undo the true problem which is the minds choice to align with the ego. Undoing the ego is praying to undo the choice to align with the wrong mind and then choosing again to align with the right mind.
Finally go into action with these new thoughts……rather than the negative thoughts that are taking you down, start to use your thoughts to climb up and put you in a better place. Use the intention to get you here! I am enough, I have enough, All is well!!!

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