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April 2024 Week 2

Obstacles Are Detours in The Right Direction

Wow, wow so I said last week my intentions always have a way of being relevant in my life. Well it seems that it is possibly very relevant to all of our lives with today’s solar eclipse: "Obstacles are Detours in the Right Direction.”
Energetically this intention fits perfectly. So first a little astrology lesson:
(Some notes I took from an article on by By Aliza Kelly, astrologer)

-The top and bottom points of the moon’s ecliptic plane are referred to as the “lunar nodes,” or — in astrological terminology — the North and South Nodes. The South Node corresponds with past life, spiritual baggage, and the innate gifts we brought into this lifetime. The North Node, by contrast, is the lessons your soul needs to acquire. It reveals the passions, talents, and growth you need to harness in order to reach your full potential. And collectively, these two points — the North and South Nodes — are linked to destiny.
In order for an eclipse to take place, the sun and moon need to sync up with the North and South Nodes.

What do you feel yourself holding onto from your past?
What lessons does your soul need to acquire - passions, talents and growth to reach your fullest potential?

Eclipses catalyze major endings, beginnings, and notable transitions in our lives.

-This eclipse is in Aries which symbolizes passion and courage, boasting fierce confidence and trailblazing ingenuity. Accordingly, this eclipse is inviting us to tap into our inner strength and fortitude. What do we really want, and how will we achieve our goals? And, just as the moon blocks the sun during a solar eclipse, we’ll glean insight into whatever is standing in our way. Whether we’re being held back by unfulfilling relationships, shitty jobs, or even the limitations of our physical location, this solar eclipse will illuminate whatever is stifling potential and hindering our truth.

What do we really want, and how will we achieve our goals?
What is standing in your way?

-Another thing to note about this upcoming solar eclipse is that it’s making an exact conjunction to Chiron, the comet referred to as the “wounded healer.” Chiron exposes our deepest emotional scars and teaches us how we can transform pain into power. So with Chiron involved in this upcoming solar eclipse, it’s clear that this solar eclipse has major healing potential, but — in order to access the full potential of our destiny — we can’t be afraid to face our fears.

What are your deeper emotional scars? Don’t be afraid to identify them, they are not going away if you avoid them….speaking from personal experience, this is a promise!

Eclipses are known to speed up time by perpetuating the inevitable. In other words, whatever was going to happen eventually (i.e., breaking up, moving to a new city, starting a different career path) will be expedited during an eclipse. Don’t be surprised if major life-changing milestones (and all the corresponding drama!) are piling up right now: Eclipse-season chaos is a very real phenomenon.

If it feels like things are falling apart, trust that they’re actually just rearranging in a better, more sustainable way. Here I will insert our intention at the perfect time - Obstacles are Detours in the Right Direction. Lets trust that somehow, everything is working out exactly as it should. Happy solar eclipse and pay attention in the weeks to come of any major endings, beginnings or transitions - this energy will be around for a little while.

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