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February 2024 Week 1

What Is Meant For Me Will Not Pass Me By

It’s February!!!! So last month we paused on our 2024 intention setting and LET GO of 2023 so we could hopefully have more space for our resolutions and for our intention this month - “What Is Meant For Me Will Not Pass Me By.”

“You cannot break anything that is meant for you just like you can't put together anything that isn't. Let the pieces fall where they may as you march to the beat of your own drum and obey the truth within your own heart.”

Our Sutra this month is 1:4:
Otherwise (if one hasn’t found inner peace) the vrittis (inclinations, or desires and attachments) cause the indwelling Self to assume many (outward) forms. (Swami Ktiyandana)

“If we could calm our minds and get to the basis of all these modifications, we would find unity among everything. That is the real Yogic life. So by changing your mind, you change everything. If only we could understand this point, we would see that there is nothing wrong outside; it is all in the mind. By correcting our vision, we correct things outside. That is why yoga is based on self-reformation, self control and self adjustment. When this reformation is accomplished we will see a new world, a harmonious and happy world. That’s why we should always keep ourselves free from these wrong identifications.” (Sri Swami Satchidananda)

So at this point in our journey lets assume we did some self study last month and discerned what was burdensome and we wanted to leave behind. Working from this clear headed, uncluttered place and with the knowledge of the 1st 3 sutras that set us grounded in our own true nature, also clutter free…. we can set intentions for the year and maybe even more importantly, we can be open to receive what is meant for us effortlessly.

In order for me to have any hope at living this way, I need to have a daily practice of conscious contact with my higher power and my true nature. Everyone has different ways of doing this, but again and again we are directed to the same point, it is…..hate to say it….essential.

One technique I use is meditation and this week on Monday and at the start of Wednesday’s class, we followed the So Hum meditation. So Hum simply means - I am that - below are all the benefits to this meditation. One thing it can do is bring us from restriction to expansion, in that vane asks yourself the following questions:
1.who am I? Shift to the real I - ourself and all of existence. Ask and listen
2.what do I want? Physical, material, spiritual. Ask and listen
3.what is my purpose in life? How can I use my unique gifts and talents to serve myself and others. Ask and Listen
4.What am I grateful for? Connects us to our true abundance! Ask and listen
Its ok if you don’t have an answer
So - inhale
Hum - exhale

I am very excited to see where we all end up at the end of the month!

So Hum meditation offers many benefits to our mind as well as to the body. Some of them are listed below and to be honest not very So Hum of me, but I cannot remember the source of this list, but I am going to share it anyways!!!!:

1. The Spiritual Benefits:
In today’s world of chaotic and stressful living, where one has to scourge for time and peace, meditation has become an important aspect of life to bust that stress in order to live a healthy life. Meditation is a process which helps us find the inner peace of mind and soul while learning to control our stress, pain, anger and other calamities of the mind and soul. A lot of forms of yoga are available today where meditation is introduced, with yoga classes thriving around the corner of the streets. So Hum meditation is one of the most effective among these.

2. Co-Ordination Of The Mind And Body:
While we meditate, our muscles at first tend to contract. To relax the whole body, one must first learn to control the tension of the muscles and the noise of the mind to find inner peace and relaxation. In order to do this, one must form a bridge to wield the gap between the mind and the body, and then our nervous system comes into play. It acts as a bridge, helping the body to communicate with the mind. For the perfect meditation, one must first learn to regulate the nervous system, and So Hum meditation is capable of teaching us how to form the bridge and regulate the nervous system.

3. Development Of Blood Circulation:
As So Hum meditation’s principles focus basically on the techniques of breathing, it develops the blood circulation in our body. This is because, as we breathe in, we take in oxygen, which is vital for the energy required by our body. It also helps to ease the pain between our muscles, and is quite effective for the ones with pain in the back and the knee section. This is because it eases the tension between the muscles.

4. Development Of Focus And Concentration:
So Hum meditation requires attention and systematic practices to perform. As we perform this meditation, it helps us focus and train our mind on one-pointedness, increasing our levels of concentration and focus. These are vital to help us perform our daily activities and work with ease and success. Practicing So Hum with the nostrils aids us in this cause. This is because, focusing on the breathing helps us explore the inner energy or prana, relieves us of our stress and helps us to focus on deeper meditation.

5. Refining Mental Capabilities:
As So Hum meditation helps us to focus, we can get a clearer image of our surroundings, and with our increasing levels of concentration, it helps one to remember more, and with greater clarity. It helps one to discover his/her inner self, and in doing so, one can go about his daily chores and practices with vividness.

6. Way To A Healthy Life:
The benefits of So Hum meditation are unending. Do not speak the words, but let the silent sound perform the action. Try to find the silent sound from within. Our body plays the tunes from within; one needs to discover them in order to explore one’s true self.

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