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December 2023 Week 3

I Am Open to Unexpected Moments of Joy

If you celebrate Christmas, this is a busy week! We come to yoga seeking support in navigating life’s ups and downs—and that’s perhaps never more true than during the holidays. If you do not, well you are in luck….this week is still an important time to get on your mat! The winter solstice on December 21 marks the onset of winter, the shortest day of the year, and the waning of the light. It’s a time to turn inward and embrace darkness and the depths one can find in the pause before the light returns and the days begin to grow longer once again. Winter solstice is a perfect opportunity for self inquiry and its a time to embrace the season of shorter, colder days. How can you grow in this season of reflection and pause?

Here are some journal prompts to consider:

What are you letting go of? What is falling away? Going to bed too late? Hanging around people who don’t support you? Self-doubt?

What’s the next chapter in your life? What needs more light? Starting a new career? Reading more books? Starting to compost or embracing a lifestyle that involves less waste?

How can you keep light alive even during the darker days of solstice, such as lighting candles throughout the house, watching the sunrise or the sunset?

This is a busy week for many so bookmark this dharma writing, come back to it and take time to honor and acknowledge the endings & new beginnings in your life in a ceremony or personal ritual that both honors your past and clears space to make room for what you wish for the coming year. Try making an offering that represents the past by journaling. Don’t be afraid to shed light on your darker parts, that is where the magic happens!!!! Remember Rumi’s quote: ““The wound is the place. where the light enters you.” He believes that our wounds guide us to crack open to our highest truth and purpose. We all have cracks, promise!!!!!

Contemplate your Past year -
Do you have anything coming to an end?
Is there a part of your life you would like to end? A personality trait? A relationship? An attitude? A fear?
Write this all out on a piece of paper that you can remove and then shred it into little pieces or burn it

While you can make a manifestation list at any time, the winter solstice is a particularly powerful time to do so because it's when you have the most direct access to your subconscious mind:
What do you want to manifest?
Good health?
Better relationships?
Forgiveness of someone or yourself?
Self care and integrity?
Write this all out and keep it somewhere for you to read often.

The winter can serve a beautiful purpose of pause, reflection and resetting - don’t resist the season, embrace it! My move to the beach year round 2 years ago brought me to a deeper connection with the healing benefits of this season. I am excited for self reflection and restoration.

If you have time, take the Yin class or our regular class this week which includes forward bends, seated poses and hip openers reminding us of the importance of turning inward. This truly is a beautiful opportunity for growth and self care, take this in!!!! And don’t forget…….stay open to unexpected moments of Joy!

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