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November 2023 Week 3

I choose to trust myself

Our intention this month, “I choose to trust myself”, has once again served me well. Last week I Ied the cleanse and it was one of the more powerful cleanses yet. We spent a lot of time on this intention and understanding that in order to trust ourselves we must first identify and connect with ourselves. This led to a powerful conversation on our integrity. We unpacked the importance of feeling connected to our truth, our integrity. When we live in this space we feel joy and light, our soul is fed. We can relax in the connection of your own wise being. Our own wise being….do you know your wise being? Do you trust it? Our own personal integrity is when we are living exactly where our feet are. We all know the feeling when we are in line versus out of alignment!
Last week I read a analogy about ourselves and the Titanic lol. When the titanic crashed into the iceberg, causing it to sink, it didn’t look very large. So why the massive destruction? Because around 90% of the iceberg was below the surface. What was seen on top was only a small bit of what was really there. It is what was below that made it so strong. You know where I am going with this right? The parallel to our lives: what people see on the surface is only a small part of who we are. “We have a life inside, an inner life that is the true source of our strength and character. Everything is driven by what is below the surface” (Lisa Brenninkmeyer). This is what our time together is all about, it is about uncovering our own “iceberg below the surface”, in other words our personal integrity that we can move through life from and trust. When we are connected to our own integrity, we can easily and effortlessly - choose to trust ourselves. How can this serve you as we head into the start of the holidays next week? Listen to this weeks meditation and take this weeks class if you have time, during these gatherings I reinforced this preparation time!!

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