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June 2023 Week 1

I am undivided, I am where my feet are

I am undivided, I am where my feet are.

This intention brings me back to when I was in yoga teacher training. I had to connect with my “why” - why did I want to teach yoga? The truth was I didn’t want anybody to have a perfect handstand or backbend, or even myself for that matter, but what I did want was to live in Integrity, and to help others do the same. What does that mean? To live in Integrity is our warm-up in class, it’s about lining up our thoughts, attitudes, actions, and words with who we say we truly want to be, when we are in integrity we are undivided. For me - I am not looking back, I am not looking around, thinking I should be somewhere else or doing something else or with somebody else and I’m not looking forward, I am right where my feet are.
My yoga practice, my yoga teaching, the calm crew, and the studies that I do to stay in the flow of yoga all strengthen my connection to myself and therefore my personal integrity. For sure, I often make a mess of things and I move out of Integrity. I become divided, and I forget where my feet are, but I am grateful for this practice, and this outline for my life as it gives me the framework I need to come back to my center. Summer is coming in fast and we will all be pulled in many directions, can we all stay connected to ourselves and be present and grounded right where we are in each moment? Now that would be a relief and a joyous summer!!!

I truly hope that in someway I am helping somebody to connect with their true selves, to be undivided and to be right where their feet are.

Sat naam (my truth is my identity)

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