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March 2023 Week 5

I am imperfect, like everyone else, and thats okay

“I am imperfect, just like everyone else, and thats ok.”
How has this intention served you this month? Have you taken anytime to access your internal dialogue - are you ok being imperfect? Do you accept your mis steps or do you ruminate about some of your past actions?
This has been an interesting month for me as I see the tiny opening of accepting all of myself as well as the futility and waste of energy I use up when I stay stuck in wishing I had done better or done something differently. I have learned that I am stuck in shame of certain past actions and that a healthier way to view these events would be with guilt. Brene Brown explains that shame is a focus on self, guilt is a focus on behavior. Shame is “I am bad.” Guilt is “I did something bad.” I can see the benefit of shifting from feelings that 1 or 2 specific actions define me as a “bad” person, as opposed to the growth that is available to me if I learn more about myself and have a healthy dose of guilt to help me change and grow. Guilt we can learn from, shame keeps us stuck.
I was listening to a podcast by Dr Will Cole about his new book Gut feelings: healing the shame-fueled relationship between what you eat and how you feel. We can eat well, care for our body and still be unhealthy. Dr Cole talks about “Shameflammation” and how stress and shame can cause gut inflammation and sabotage our health in a process called “shameflammation.” There are so many people today suffering from anxiety and stress, we need to find tools to help us combat these emotions which absolutely cause inflammation in our bodies, which then causes all different diseases. We cannot leave this piece out of our whole health and wellness. On the other end, he speaks of how problems with the gut can often cause mood swings, anxiety and food cravings. He says, true health is not just what you eat, but how you feel. I am convinced that with a genetic perfect storm in my make up and stress and anxiety that I have carried for a number of years contributed to my breast cancer diagnosis. I am diligent in an anti inflammatory life style and diet and of course I take my spiritual practice very seriously. However, my brain is thick and stubborn which is why I continue to seek on a daily basis! How does all of this land for you as the month closes out? Always love hearing from you. Thank you for seeking with me!!!!

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