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November 2023 Week 5

I choose to trust myself

I read the following meditation at both classes this week:

”Make Today a Healing Day - Take time for healing. Take time for what soothes your body, your mind, your soul. Take a bath. Light a candle. Read a book. Take a walk. Get a massage. See your favorite healer if you desire. See a movie. Buy some flowers. Drink a cup of tea. Sometimes we talk ourselves out of doing something healing for ourselves. We’re too busy, too tired. But that is when we most need to take care of ourselves. Listen to your heart. What does it want? Listen to your body. What does it need? Trust what you hear. (I CHOOSE TO TRUST MYSELF!)
Make Today a healing day.
Then take some time and make
Everyday a healing day.” Melody Beattie

In a synchronistic way, this was my daily reading on November 25th, the 4 year anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis - so I would of course call this not a coincidence but a God - instance and a perfect message for me. What a beautiful reading and I love how it says “trust” what you hear as it lines up perfectly with our intention - Today I choose to Trust Myself. I hope that intention helped you sail through the holiday last week with clear intentions and actions. As we approach the end of the month and the height of the holiday season, please have this meditation handy to read and re read. Take care of you and then jump fully into your holidays!!!

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