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March 2023 Week 2

I am imperfect, like everyone else, and thats okay

“In our increasingly complicated and anxious world, we need more time to do less and be less. When we first start cultivating calm and stillness in our lives, it can be difficult, especially when we realize how stress and anxiety define so much of our daily lives. But as our practices become stronger, anxiety loses its hold and we gain clarity about what we’re doing, where we’re going, and what holds true meaning for us.” Brene Brown - I love this quote from her book - The Gifts of imperfection - and it is perfect for me right now as I am in the middle of leading my first 3 day corporate cleanse. While it is a lot of work to lead these 3 days, it also keeps me in the center of my solution to life’s disturbances - finding the calm in the stillness. Each time I lead a yoga class, a meditation or a cleanse it puts another “peg” in my practice of spirituality.
Now for our focus this month, Why is it that I look at others imperfections and these flaws or missteps do not define who they are in my mind, but when it comes to me I get stuck in ruminating on my set backs in my spiritual path? I have written about this before, but a few years back I was in a difficult place emotionally, physically and hormonally post surgeries. I had a conversation that I cannot talk back and wish I could. Well in my mind I am letting this one instance define who I am and it is bringing up the “imposter syndrome” of how can I lead the Calm Crew, the cleanses and now coach people in total health and wellness? This is where my intention comes in….”I am imperfect, like everyone else, and thats okay.” - what if I truly believed that? The good news is I can see the benefits in what I have gone through the last few years and it has humbly softened me and has allowed me to connect with others in a more non judgemental way. They say “obstacles are detours in the right direction”. The obstacle in this case is me and the “right direction” it is leading me in is towards the self love I spoke of last week. “How much we know and understand ourselves is critically important, but there is something that is even more essential to living a Whole heartened life: loving ourselves,” Brene Brown. I am all in for a whole hearted life, how about you? This is my time to release my critical self judgement and live whole heartedly with all of you!!!!

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