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January Week 4

I am starting the New Year with intention and peace

“Few of us would admit to wanting anything but peace. Why then does it evade us so often? We hear repeatedly that we receive that which we seek. Do we not seek peace? Obviously we do not. What we think we want and what we obsess about are frequently far different. The latter is what we get.
The formula for discovering peace is simple. Try the following. Stop thinking. Get quiet. Turn your attention to the Spirit within and ask for clarity, for a different perspective, for a forgiving heart. Peace will come.
If it’s so easy, why aren’t we surrounded by more peaceful companions? Because the noisy ego is seductive. It clamors for our attention just as it clamors for control of our lives and the lives of others. The ego convinces us we’ll be more secure if it’s in charge. Painfully learning, again and again, that that’s not the case eventually leaves an indelible mark. Peace will seek us then.” Karen Casey

Our intention - “I am starting the new year with intention and peace” - is a simple tool we can use to center ourselves at anytime during the day that we need to. I love the above passage from a Course in Miracles meditation book - so simple…..just stop thinking!!!! Omg easier said than done most of the time! I currently have 2 stories in my mind that are playing on a constant loop - complete insanity!!!! I keep telling myself to stop thinking!!!! As the above reading says, I definitely want peace but my actions are not lining up!! I am letting my noisy ego stay very loud and busy.
Let’s finish out this month intentionally by starting first thing in the morning asking ourselves the following questions:
-How do I want to feel today?
-Who do i want to be today?
-What do I want to receive today?
-What do I want to give today?

Sit in meditation or journal your answers everyday from now until the 31st and see how you feel, I am going to try this myself!!!

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