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December 2022 Week 2

I Don't Mind How it Goes!!!!!!

In a traditional sense this months Klesha, Abhinivesha, is translated as the fear of death. I am pretty certain we all have this, we are wired for survival. It’s this fear that causes suffering in the form of anxiety, fear, worry or sadness.

Abhinivesha is also often referred to as the fear of letting go and holding on to control. As I said last week, whether we look at our fear of dying and clinging to life or our clinging to control and not letting go, we can see how we are the cause of our own suffering.

This is the repetitive nature of all the Kleshas - life happens, it’s painful or not how we want it to be, we get uncomfortable and we sit in one of the Kleshas. Can it truly be as simple as staying out of the first Klesha, Avidya - spiritual ignorance? I actually think yes - and I am not sure if this is good news or bad lol. The good news is there is hope in that all I need to do to live a comfortable, easeful life is to get spiritually centered everyday, and I mean everyday!!! The bad news is I am not in control and I must let go! Shit in life is going to happen, thats just life. Now the grown up me needs to pause, take a breath and work through whatever I am holding onto as tightly as life itself. The holidays is a perfect time for these Klesha’s to rear their ugly heads. How can you use this awareness to find ease and joy in the next couple of weeks? How about creating a sacred space when you wake up that fills you with ease and a sense of being fully present (I attached a picture of m holiday morning space). Use this time and place for quiet reflection and introspection - in this gentle awareness is the gift of spiritual connection. Find the joy in this season, stay present and most of all accept what comes your way as being exactly what it should be. Repeat our intention as many times as you need to…”I don’t mind how it goes!”
When you do the work and are in the presence of truth and knowing - it is amazing! That is why we are doing the work! This is your holiday gift to yourself!!

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