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November 2022 Week 4

I commit to my spiritual path

During this week of Thanksgiving I want to express my gratitude to all of you who are traveling this spiritual journey with me!!! You keep me on my spiritual path so I can try to lead you all. Of course, I am constantly being bumped off of my course but if I am being consistent in my spiritual work then I am able to get back on track quickly and easily. Dvesha or aversion will always be a part of our personal suffering, we are human, we try our best!!! As you enter a full day of Thanksgiving tomorrow use these practices and teachings to have the fullest day ever without expectations or conditions on your Joy. Be present and take it all in!! Commit to Your Spiritual Path!!! Sat Naam

I sent these few thoughts to the group of Pre Holiday Cleanse students and wanted to share with all of you:

How are you feeling heading into a day very centered around the dinner table!! This could bring up issues around food and our emotional connections with those around us. Let’s take care of ourselves with some simple healthy hacks:

Start your day with warm lemon water and maybe add a little ginger to aid your digestion
A quick prayer or gratitude meditation
Don’t go to the dinner table starving, have some healthy items to fill yourself up with before your big meal
Pray for the people around the table, especially the annoying ones, if there are any
Remember the hard work you did in the cleanse and nourish yourself!!
Enjoy everyone and everything in front of you - no expectations and no guilt!!!

Happy Turkey Day!

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