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April 2022 week 4

Sat Naam - My Truth is My Identity


Satya, truthfulness, asks us to live our lives with self-expression, but not self indulgence! “When we habitually silence and distort ourselves, we begin to lose our lust for life and look towards other things to fulfill us. We forget we are here on this earth to self-express in a way no one else ever has or ever could.” Deborah Adele.
When we silence ourselves or stifle our true being in some way, what happens is many times we turn towards outside stimulus to “complete” us. We over indulge in eating, drinking, shopping, working, doing, etc. Once again we are living from the outside in, rather than the inside out. Yoga keeps asking us to flip this and live our lives from the inside out, which is why I stress again and again the daily work this practice takes.
“Living the life that cries to be lived from the depth of our being frees up a lot of energy and vitality. The juices flow. Everyone around us benefits from the aliveness that we feel. On the other hand, suppressing that life, for whatever reason, takes a lot of our life energy just in the managing of the pretending.” DA
Try this week as you practice the 30 minute pre recored class to completely and honestly self express your practice and the flow. No-one is watching, move freely, let your juices flow as you move on your mat as your authentic self! Feel that energy!!!

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