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April 2022 week 1

Sat Naam - My Truth is My Identity

“Darling, you feel heavy because you are full of truth. Open your mouth more, let the truth exist somewhere other than inside your body.” Delta Hicks-Wilson

This month we are moving onto the 2nd Yama, Satya which means truthfulness. Our intention is simply: Sat Naam, which translates as my truth is my identity. We have been here before as we explored the chakras or energy centers in the body. Vishuddha, the throat chakra is where our truth lies in our bodies. How open this chakra is will determine how truthful we are living our lives. Is there stale, stuck energy and air in the area of the throat? Are you holding back with stuck words and actions which are making your body tight and tense? Yoga is a beautiful physical practice which strengthens and stretches our physical bodies, but as I often remind you I teach because I am trying to strengthen and stretch our minds and souls as well. Fearlessly uncovering our truths is one way to do this. As always, awareness is the first step.

This week let’s keep it simple - Satya is about living our truth, thats it. There are as many ways to do this as there are people who practice Satya, and no one can tell us how we should listen for and find the truth within ourselves. Living truthfully, being “real” asks us to live from a place where there is nothing to defend and nothing to manage. Is there anything driving you to distort yourself or silence yourself? Are you saying yes to something that you really want to say no to? Are you doing all you want to do in your life or holding back? And as Carl Jung would ask: what is so dangerous in the moment about the truth that you are choosing to lie?

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